Logo der Wildnisschule YEP Academy

YEP Academy


  • Bild des Team Mitglieds Dirk Reber

    Dirk Reber

    Dirk Reber is a co-founder of the YEP Academy. He is an outstanding facilitator, coach & mentor with major qualifications in diverse outdoor settings. With his positive energy, optimism and scope of ambitions, he likes to see young people grow. He is fully convinced that empowerment requires nature as a learning field. As one of few, he is active in combining leadership, and outdoor and development cooperation.

  • Bild des Team Mitglieds Souheang Ly

    Souheang Ly

    Souheang Ly is a co-founder of the YEP Academy. Being an explorer, she has always been searching continuously for something that matches her vision, values, and passion. Combining educational and environmental fields is, for her, the best key to youth empowerment. Souheang is courageously, confidentially, and continuously committed to empowering young people.

  • Bild des Team Mitglieds Simon Kaack

    Simon Kaack

    Simon joined the YEP Academy, focusing on program development and organizational outreach. His educational background is in political science and human rights, where he paid particular attention to the intersections between environmental rights and sustainable living conditions. Having facilitated environmental and climate change academies in Germany himself, Simon is familiar with the challenges and benefits of practice-oriented education.

  • Bild des Team Mitglieds Channara Thea

    Channara Thea

    Channara Thea joined the YEP Academy team as a coordinator and administration. She has strong organizational skills and attention to detail, which are key to organizing successful training and camps. More importantly, she has the commitment to contribute her knowledge and passion to making changes. Channara is passionate about the conservation of natural resources, environment, climate change, and ecotourism.